Pumps & Sanitation
Until the middle of the last century, on many yachts and many a smaller professional vessel only a single article from this product category would have been needed - the marine bucket. In the meantime, boats without a toilet have become a rarity. Today, a functional washing, flushing and sanitary area with suitable fittings for fresh water supply and possibly a water heater offers the basic level of comforts and luxury. A well-installed, easy-to-use, low-maintenance on-board toilet ensures long-term peace on board. Especially under bad weather conditions at sea, …
… there is nothing more unpleasant than the sudden failure of a ship's toilet. Toplicht offers a larger selection of solid, proven yacht toilets in various designs and price categories. In the Toplicht range you will also find equipment and materials for all sanitary installations above and below the waterline, as well as tanks, filler necks and manual or electric pumps for drinking and waste water, deck and bilge.