Safety Lines & Floating Lines
Floating lines make a safe connection between ships and rescue devices such as lifebuoys, life collars, life buoys, buoyancy aids or rescue slings. If a person has gone overboard, a MOB manoeuvre must be initiated immediately. Should the person to be rescued be thrown one of the life-saving devices, it is very important that the connecting line unwinds well and does not hinder the targeted throw. This can be ensured by fitting a safety line reel. There are also lifelines which are stowed in a container or bag with throwing weight and float ready for use. The …
… characteristics of a line are always important. It has to be easy to unroll, floatable, firm and visible. At Toplicht we carry articles that are specially developed and recommended for this purpose. The PP-Split lifeline, for example, complies with professional regulations of the Seeberufsgenossenschaft SeeBg.