… modern yachts, small boats and dinghies. When the block is shorn to form a tackle (the nautical term for pulley block), it becomes part of a real power engine, which is indispensable for coping with the tractive forces occurring on board and especially during sailing. Toplicht offers blocks for all maritime applications - from the beautifully shaped, single or multi-sheave wooden block with a housing made of sturdy ash, elm or Robinia in the best tradition of craftsmanship, the maintenance-free, classic universal block made of Tufnol hard fabric, to the heavy-duty, ball-bearing or Teflon plain bearing equipped yacht and work block in modern design. In addition to the classic accessories for blocks, such as deflection pulleys for wire rope or pulleys made of grey cast iron, brass, bronze, Tufnol, nylon, polyester or Delrin, the extensive Toplicht assortment also includes ultra-modern innovations derived from the field of soft rigging. These are very lightweight thanks to the use of the highly resilient Dyneema fibre, and allow a high degree of flexibility in the range of possible applications.
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