Pull-out Brass Cleat

From €75.00 *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Cast brass retractable cleat, polished or chrome finish.

A very practical cleat that is installed completely flat into the deck. Two spring-loaded balls on the side hold the cleat in position when it's pulled up. Two lids with O-ring seal can be used to drain water that accumulates from above on the substructure.

This retractable cleat is very suitable as a midship spring cleat.

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    Article-No. Version L (mm) L1 (mm) H (mm) H1 (mm) A (mm) B (mm) D (mm) Weight (g) Article Price (Piece) Delivery Quantity
    1623-150 polished brass 150 195 31 70 55 49 23 650 Ms-Versenk-Klampe L=150mm Messing poliert
    Art.Nr.: 1623-150
    H1 (mm): 70
    L (mm): 150
    version: polished brass
    weight (g): 650
    H (mm): 31
    B (mm): 49
    L1 (mm): 195
    D (mm): 23
    A (mm): 55
    net: €63.03

    In stock.

    net: €63.03

    In stock.

    1623-650 brass chromed 150 195 31 70 55 49 23 650 Cr-Versenk-Klampe L=150mm Messing verchromt
    Art.Nr.: 1623-650
    L (mm): 150
    version: brass chromed
    weight (g): 650
    H (mm): 31
    B (mm): 49
    L1 (mm): 195
    D (mm): 23
    A (mm): 55
    H1 (mm): 70
    net: €63.03

    In stock.

    net: €63.03

    In stock.

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